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Advancing healthcare sustainability

Healthcare providers and suppliers look to Vizient for guidance in improving supply chain sustainability.

Our experts can help stakeholders identify strategies that build stronger, healthier communities while balancing environmental and business impacts.



Leverage EP data to create a healthier supply chain

Vizient experts developed an innovative, data-driven methodology for health care organizations to evaluate, monitor and remove harmful chemicals from their supply chain. Our case study describes a comprehensive approach that contemplates financial, clinical, operational and sustainable impacts of health care supply.

Download the case study


Insights to support your environmentally sustainable supply chain

Our industry leadership is bolstered by the expertise of many experienced Vizient sustainability professionals, who frequently write and speak publicly about environmentally preferred purchasing issues. More from the Vizient Newsroom.


How suppliers can participate in our program

Vizient encourages all of our awarded suppliers to help support these goals by submitting their products’ environmental attributes, such as whether they’re recyclable, mercury-free, BPA-free and more. This helps members choose products best suited to their needs when they issue requests for proposal. Suppliers are
also encouraged to connect regularly with the Vizient Environmental Sustainability team to discuss and advance sustainability in the healthcare sector.

Download the Supplier EPS Program fact sheet

Eco-friendly product attributes

We collaborated with our Environmental Advisory Council to identify and define 23 environmentally preferred product attributes to help the entire healthcare industry standardize. Request a copy of the attribute definitions below.

Environmental Sustainability Program

Vizient members have exclusive access to additional environmentally preferred sourcing program resources and information. Access the broadest, most cost-effective portfolio of environmentally preferred products in the industry – as well as data, analysis and expertise to attain your sustainability goals.

Vizient corporate responsibility report

From climate action and adaptation strategies to safer chemicals and circular economy solutions, learn how Vizient is committed to taking action and empowering smart, sustainable, resilient choices across the industry.

Vizient Climate Performance Solutions offer a comprehensive approach to integrate sustainable practices to help providers and suppliers achieve their decarbonization goals across supply chain, climate action, energy management, water conservation, transportation demand management, organizational governance, and fiscal responsibility.

Our Climate Performance Solutions team works with providers and suppliers to understand your sustainability and decarbonization goals, review data, and plan ahead. Solutions may include, but are not limited to:

  • Greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory assessment
  • Joint Commission Sustainability Certification guidance
  • ESG and sustainability regulation compliance
  • Sustainability materiality assessment
  • Climate action planning
  • Funding exploration

Press release: Vizient agreement with Greenly enhances greenhouse gas data collection solution for providers and suppliers

For more information, please contact the Environmental Sustainability team.

Connect with us for more information on how to implement sustainable practices into your organization or how you can source safer and healthier products that support environmentally preferred initiatives.