Vizient® connects leaders from different disciplines to solve complex healthcare problems. We provide a range of solutions that enable networking, collaboration and improvement with like-minded individuals and subject matter experts. Through improvement collaborative projects, surveys, webinars, and an extensive resource library, we provide expert-led resources and insights to help you achieve top-tier results in cost, quality, and market performance. By leveraging PI Programs resources, you can gain valuable knowledge and insights to drive meaningful change and achieve exceptional outcomes in your organization.
- Working with peers to solve important issues
- Focusing on a variety of topics across all stages of care
- Accessing resources to help your organization improve
How can our collaboratives help you?
Outcomes data demonstrate that organizations participating in health care collaboratives have better results and reduce patient harm at a greater rate than nonparticipants. Experiences of participating members include:
- A reduction in patient harm and readmissions, extending to lives saved
- Increased revenue by eliminating potential value-based purchasing penalties imposed by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
From networking with peers and learning from work they’ve already completed to accessing resources from other projects within the program, the Vizient Performance Improvement Programs is sure to accelerate improvement at your organization.
The value of Vizient performance improvement programs
Members share examples of the value they’ve received from participating in Vizient Member Networks Performance Improvement Programs, from projects that align with organizational priorities, to clinical and operational improvement, to the ability to benchmark and communicate with peers.
Connect with Vizient to help you solve health care’s biggest challenges