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Showing 371 - 377 of 377 results

Supply Chain
Supply Chain Sherpas Are Key to Guiding Stakeholders to Purchased Services Savings

Its no surprise that reviewing purchased services contract categories like laundry, medical waste or language interpretation can seem like a daunting task—almost like trying to climb Mount Ever... read more

Financial Sustainability
In Purchased Services, Understand What You're Negotiating

Its a generally accepted fact that purchased services account for 20 to 30% of a hospitals total expenses. Its also generally accepted that with more than 300 categories, its a largely untapped sourc... read more

Quality & Clinical Operations
Health Care Strategy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics

Rather than any early knockout in one of his epic matches, eulogies last month for boxing legend Muhammad Ali memorialized his three-decade, very public fight against Parkinsons disease. The once fle... read more

Financial Sustainability
Winston Churchill and the 80/20 Rule

Rather than any early knockout in one of his epic matches, eulogies last month for boxing legend Muhammad Ali memorialized his three-decade, very public fight against Parkinsons disease. The once fle... read more

Quality & Clinical Operations
Workforce & Culture
Use Mock Accreditation Surveys to Address Common Problem Areas

One of the areas of greatest concern for pharmacy practice, in terms of both cost and impact on patient care, is the increasing development of pharmaceuticals that could be classified as “speci... read more

Financial Sustainability
Calculating the Cost of Length of Stay

Rather than any early knockout in one of his epic matches, eulogies last month for boxing legend Muhammad Ali memorialized his three-decade, very public fight against Parkinsons disease. The once fle... read more

Quality & Clinical Operations
Workforce & Culture
The ICD-10 Coding Challenge: How Clinicians Can Help